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Please note that this blog is no longer being updated.
...spend time with the development team members – the scrummaster, business analyst, UX designers, developers, content designer, testers – speaking about what we’re working on, and giving guidance on what’s...
Ok, so let's set the scene. I'm on my second day into a new role as a User Experience (UX) Designer/Researcher within The Student Loans Company, and at my first meeting I'm asked to write a blog piece.
Following a huge amount of effort from the team at the Student Loans Company, March/April is the starting point for some fairly rapid change. This latest milestone in SLC's transformation journey marks the largest investment in our core IT systems …
As part of the digital delivery programme, one of our first deliverables was to embed analytic scripts in our legacy systems to inform our new service design and then to provide a means of comparison when we have a new …
I’m delighted to announce that the new online application for full-time student finance has been launched! This represents a huge achievement for us and showcases the new way that we have been working – putting user needs at the heart …
Hello, I am a tech bod who has been working for the Student Loans Company for 8 years, and I’ve been fortunate to be involved in our first truly agile programme - Digital Delivery. As an organisation, we’ve committed to …
Every story has a beginning. This is ours, the origins of the digital delivery programme within SLC. It started towards the end of 2010, when a team from GDS carried out usability testing on our online application. This was so …
I’m Tom Meade and I am the digital delivery manager for the Student Loans Company (SLC)’s Transformation project. We’ve been doing a whole load of really interesting things over the past year and have learned a great deal. And on …
A blog about how we're building a new generation of student finance digital services. By the Student Loans Company.